Many consequences of the Proper Forcing Axiom (PFA) factor through the stationarity of the class of guessing models. Such consequences include the Tree Property at $\omega_2$, absence of (weak) Kurepa Trees on $\omega_1$, and failure of square principles. On the other hand, stationarity of guessing models does not decide the value of the continuum, even when one requires that the guessing models are also indestructible in some sense. I will give an introduction to the topic and discuss some recent results due to John Krueger and me.
We continue our discussion of perfect and scattered subsets in the generalized Cantor space. We give some properties of the \kappa-topologies over 2^{\lambda} introduced earlier (for \kappa \leq \lamba), define a Cantor-Bendixon process for forests, and begin work on showing the consistency of Cantor-Bendixon theorem analogues for closed subsets of 2^{\kappa} and P_{\kappa^+}\lambda, for \kappa regular.
We continue our discussion of perfect and scattered subsets in the generalized Cantor space. We we continue our study of the collection of topologies over 2^{\lambda} introduced last time. These topologies rely on the notion of a P_{\kappa}\lambda-forest, which is a natural generalization of a tree.
We continue our discussion of perfect and scattered subsets in the generalized Cantor space. This week we finish the proof of the fact that \kappa-closed forcings don't add branches to \kappa-scattered subsets of 2^{\kappa}. We then introduce a collection of topologies over 2^{\lambda} whose restrictions to P_{\kappa}\lambda have some desirable properties. These topologies will rely on the notion of a P_{\kappa}\lambda-forest, which is a natural generalization of a tree.
We continue our discussion of perfect and scattered subsets in the generalized Cantor space. We focus this week on generalizing the games played on subsets of 2^{\omega} considered previously to the 2^{\kappa} context, and introduce alternate notions of \kappa-perfect and \kappa-scattered. We show that \kappa-closed forcings can’t add branches to \kappa-scattered subsets of 2^{\kappa} if \kappa isn’t a strong limit, which has as an immediate corollary the well-known lemma of Silver which says that \kappa-closed forcings can’t add branches to \kappa-trees (again for \kappa not a strong limit).
We continue our discussion of perfect and scattered subsets in the generalized Cantor space. We focus in particular this week on constructing certain types of trees in 2^{<\kappa} for uncountable \kappa which exhibit fundamentally different behavior than trees in 2^{<\omega} can, from the perspective of adding branches, cardinal dichotomies, etc. We also generalize the games previously discussed, and introduce alternative notions of \kappa-perfect and \kappa-scattered.
We will initially discuss games played on subsets of the Cantor space, for which the existence or nonexistence of winning strategies for certain players can provide a characterization of perfectness or scatteredness. We will also give an old characterization of the type of trees in 2^{<\omega} through which outer models can add branches. Finally, we will make some observations about the nature of some generalizations of these topics to the 2^{\kappa} spaces.