The Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem in Choiceless Models


Brian Ransom


UC Irvine


Monday, March 3, 2025 - 2:00pm



Historically, proofs of the Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem (BPI) in choiceless models of ZF have taken considerable effort. We present a new conceptual framework with which to prove BPI in choiceless models, based on Harrington's proof of the Halpern-Läuchli theorem. This allows for new proofs of several results from the literature, including the fact that ZF+BPI cannot prove the axiom of choice. We describe these results and the connection to the Halpern-Läuchli theorem that is implicit in this approach.

A non-uniformly inner amenable group


Isaac Goldbring


UC Irvine


Monday, February 24, 2025 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

An inner amenable group is one in which there is a finitely additive conjugation-invariant probability measure on the non-identity elements.  In this talk, we show that inner amenability is not preserved under elementary equivalence.  As a result, we give the first example of a group that is inner amenable but not uniformly inner amenable.

Schröder-Bernstein property for metric structures-III (Randomizations)


Nicolas Cuervo Ovalle


Universidad de los Andes (visiting UCI)


Monday, February 10, 2025 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

We say that a complete theory T has the Schröder-Bernstein property, or simply, the SB-property, if for any two models M and N of T that are elementary bi-embeddable then they are isomorphic. The purpose of this talk is to study the SB-property in the continuous context for Randomizations. Informally, a randomization of a first order (discrete) model, M, is a two sorted metric structure which consist of a sort of events and a sort of functions with values on the model, usually understood as random variables. More generally, given a complete first order theory T, there is a complete continuous theory known as randomized theory, T^R, which is the common theory of all randomizations of models of T. Randomizations were introduced first by Keisler in [5] and then axiomatized in the continuous setting by Ben Yaacov and Keisler in [4]. Since randomizations where introduced, many authors focused on examining which model theoretic properties of T are preserved on T^R, for example, in [4] and [3] it was shown that properties like ω-categoricity, stability and dependence are preserved. Similarly in [1] it is proved that the existence of prime models is preserved by randomization but notions like minimal models are not preserved. Following these ideas, we will prove that a first order theory T with ≤ ω countable models has the SB-property for countable models if and only if T^R has the SB-property for separable randomizations. This is a joint work with Alexander Berenstein, presented in [2].



[1] U. Andrews and H. J. Keisler. Separable models of randomizations. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, pages 1149–1181, 2015.

[2] Argoty, C., Berenstein, A. & Cuervo Ovalle, N. The SB-property on metric structures. Archive for Mathematical Logic (2025).

[3] I. Ben Yaacov. Continuous and random vapnik-chervonenkis classes. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 1(173):309–333, 2009.

[4] I. Ben Yaacov and H. Jerome Keisler. Randomizations of models as metric structures. Confluentes Mathematici, 1(02):197–223, 2009. [5] H. J. Keisler. Randomizing a model. Advances in Mathematics, 143(1):124–158, 1999

Schröder-Bernstein property for metric structures


Nicolas Cuervo Ovalle


Universidad de los Andes (visiting UCI)


Monday, January 13, 2025 - 2:00pm


RH 340P

We say that a complete theory T has the Schröder-Bernstein property, or simply, the SB-property, if any two models M and N of T that are elementary bi-embeddable are isomorphic. The purpose of this talk is to study the SB-property for metric theories such as Hilbert spaces, probability algebras and expansions of these. Additionally, we will try to understand how the SB-property behaves under Randomizations, which is a natural way of mapping discrete first order structures to metric structures in a continuous language. This is joint work with Alexander Berenstein and Camilo Argoty presented in [1].


[1] Argoty, C., Berenstein, A. & Cuervo Ovalle, N. The SB-property on metric structures. Arch. Math. Logic (2025).

Stationary Partition Relations (3)


Julian Talmor Eshkol


UC Irvine


Monday, November 25, 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm


RH 440 R

The partition relation A→(P)^μ_λ, despite its brevity, is remarkably expressive. This fundamental combinatorial principle asserts that every λ-coloring of μ-sized subsets of A is constant on a subset in the class P. By adjusting the parameters A, μ, λ, and P, one can express a wide variety of large cardinal principles, including weak compactness, Ramsey-ness, and even supercompactness. In this talk, we focus on the case where A is an uncountable cardinal κ and P is the class of stationary subsets of κ. By work of Baumgartner 1977, it turns out that this corresponds to certain ineffability properties of κ. We also describe how this fits into a different hierarchy of ineffability properties described in current joint work with Matthew Foreman and Menachem Magidor.


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