The Department of Mathematics is committed to excellence in teaching and research in a wide variety of mathematical disciplines. Undergraduate and Graduate Students are engaged in a thorough program of study leading to professional excellence in mathematical research, or in an area of application.
Graduate courses are designed to meet the needs of students pursuing graduate work in mathematics and related areas. The active fields of research include geometry and topology, algebra, analysis and PDE, applied mathematics and mathematical biology, mathematical physics, probability, and mathematical logic.
In addition to formal courses and research, seminars are held frequently. Department faculty and outstanding mathematicians from throughout the world present their latest research findings in various fields of mathematics. Topics vary from year to year reflecting the expertise of both tenured and visiting faculty. Each seminar is conducted by a faculty member specializing in the subject field. For seminar schedules go to Seminars/Colloquium at the department website.
Department of Mathematics Program Learning Outcomes
Professor Knut Solna
Vice Chair of Graduate Studies
440E Rowland Hall