Ph.D. Advancement & Dissertation Guidelines

Advancement to Candidacy Examination (for the Ph.D.).

  • Check the filing deadlines.

  • THREE WEEKS before your advancement, please submit the Approval of Advancement Committee Form located on this page

  • Finalize the date and time with your advisor and the advancement committee (recommended: 2 weeks in advance of your quarterly filing deadline). 

  • Book a room with the Math Department Office through the Room Reservation Page

  • After completing your Advancement:

    • Pay the $90 Advancement to Candidacy Fee, save receipt. 

    • Fill out the Advancement to Candidacy for the Ph.D. degree Form located on this page (navigate to Degree Forms: How to Submit section), upload proof of payment to document.

      • Instructions on how to fill out the DocuSign are on this page (navigate to DocuSign Process - In what order do I fill the above forms? section)

    • Notify your committee members that they should expect a DocuSign email and ask them to approve it ASAP to allow smooth processing to Graduate Division. 


Advancement Committee Rules

  • 5 Senate members required for the PhD advancement committee, the Chair must be from the Math Department or have a joint appointment.

  • The majority of the committee must be from the Math Department

  • The outside member cannot be from the Math Department or have a joint appointment/affiliation with the Math Department

Doctoral Defense: Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

  • If you have changed dissertation committee membership since your Advancement, please contact the Grad Student Affairs Officer at least THREE WEEKS before your defense. This will require an exceptional memo to be written and approved by Grad Division in advance of the defense. 

  • Finalize the date and time with your advisor and defense committee (recommended: 2 weeks in advance of your quarterly filing deadline). 

  • Book a room with the Math Department Office through the Room Reservation Page

  • After completing your Defense:

    • Fill out the Final Dissertation Filing Paperwork Form located on this page (navigate to Degree Forms: How to Submit section).

      • Instructions on how to fill out the DocuSign form are on this page (navigate to DocuSign Process - In what order do I fill the above forms? section)

    • Notify your committee members that they should expect a DocuSign email and ask them to approve it ASAP to allow smooth processing to Graduate Division. 


PhD Dissertation Submission Checklist




Master's Degree Advancement & Conferral (OPTIONAL DEGREE)

  • Advancement to MS Candidacy

    All Master's students must be advanced candidacy for their degree prior to the beginning of the final quarter of enrollment.  An application for Advancement to Candidacy must be initiated by the student and submitted for approval by the department (submit to Graduate Coordinator). The approved application must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies at least 30 days before the opening of the quarter in which the degree is expected (refer to the advancement deadlines). The application must be accompanied by petitions for any course credits that have not already been approved by the Graduate Dean.  If the candidate is not advanced before the beginning of the quarter in which all requirements are completed, the degree will not be conferred until the end of the following quarter. Deadlines for submission of the Application for Advancement to Candidacy are published on the Graduate Divisions WEBSITE, where filing fees and deadlines may also be found.

  • Check the filing deadline for MS advancement
  • Notify Graduate Affairs Officer for instructions on filling out paperwork.
  • MS Conferral:
  • In order for the MS degree to be conferred, you must fill out the Master Degree Survey in the quarter prior to which the degree is to be conferred.
  1. Doctoral students earning a master’s degree en route to the PhD will need to initially sign in to the master’s exit survey; however, you are not required to actually complete the survey. Instead, you will get a message on the screen saying you do not have to take the survey at this time, print this notification and submit it to Graduate Affairs Officer, so it can be submitted with the MS final degree paperwork.
  2. Students graduating with an MS, must complete the Master Degree exit survey, print it and submit it to Graduate Affairs Officer to be forwarded with final degree paperwork.  Do not submit this form until the quarter the degree will be conferred.  Graduate Affairs Officer will notify you of when to submit.


UCI Libraries

LaTeX Template

UCI libraries provide feedback on thesis and dissertation formatting online. There is about a two-day turnaround.

Thesis and Dissertations

Graduate students have the option of submitting their thesis or dissertation electronically or on paper. We strongly encourage submission electronically via the UMI ETD system, but we will continue to accept paper submissions. Students are responsible for submitting a manuscript that adheres to our manual for paper or electronic submissions. Degree candidates should carefully review all instructions and guidance on this website well in advance of the relevant submission deadline.

Special Collections and Archives staff review each manuscript for adherence to formatting standards and accept it upon approval. Provided a student has met all other requirements, this is the final step prior to being awarded the graduate degree. Congratulations!

ETD Consultation Request Form

Note: A pre-submission critique is available to all students who would like to have their formatting reviewed prior to meeting with their committee members. It is not a required step in the filing process.

If your committee members have already approved of your thesis/dissertation, please bypass the pre-submission critique and follow the electronic filing submission steps outlined in Section 6 of the manual. Once you have submitted your final manuscript through the electronic filing system, we will review your thesis/dissertation for formatting. If revisions are needed, we will reply with additional feedback. If the manuscript clears all formatting requirements, you will receive the final confirmation email from the University Archives.

You may not make any revisions to the submission once you receive the final confirmation email from the University Archives. Please make sure your committee members have signed all required forms and do not require any further revisions prior to your submission.

The quarterly workshop is conducted twice per quarter, except for summer session.  The workshop explains the requirements for submitting theses and dissertations. The workshop schedule is available here.

Degree Certification Request form (optional)
Because it may take four to six months to receive a diploma, you may submit this form receive a Letter of Certification that certifies your graduation. If you do not receive the letter in fourteen working days contact graduate studies at (949) 824-4611.