Mathematical physics forms the interplay between physics and mathematics, using pure mathematics to provide a rigorous foundation to open questions from physics. Members of the Math physics group at UCI are working on a wide class of analysis and probability problems, stemming from physics, with areas ranging from electromagnetic theory in linear and nonlinear complex media and statistical mechanics, to solid state physics (random and quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators).
Currently, the group includes three permanent members of faculty, and several excellent graduate students, post-docs, and researchers. In 2012/2013 Charles Newman, a renowned expert in statistical mechanics, currently at the Courant Institute, will be joining UCI faculty. Within UCI Math department, the group has strong interaction with the Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems group and the Probability group. Moreover, acclaimed scientists from research institutions world-wide visit on a regular basis, thereby enriching the group's activities and allowing for collaboration with other leading researchers in the field.
Our group is highly regarded in the mathematical physics community. Svetlana Jitomirskaya and Abel Klein gave plenary talks at ICMP, and both have been elected to the executive committee of the International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP). Svetlana Jitomirskaya was elected Vice-President of the IAMP for 2012-14. The work of all faculty members of the group receives steady federal funding.
Contributing Faculty
For more information, please see the Mathematical Physics Homepage.