Games orbits play


Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos




Monday, November 13, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

Classification problems occur in all areas of mathematics. Descriptive set theory provides methods to assign complexity to such problems. Using a technique developed by Hjorth, Kechris and Sofronidis proved, for example, that the problem of classifying all unitary operators $\mathcal{U}(\mathcal{H})$ of an infinite dimensional Hilbert space up to unitary equivalence $\simeq_U$ is strictly more difficult than classifying graph structures with domain $\mathbb{N}$ up to isomorphism.

We present a game--theoretic approach to anti--classification results for orbit equivalence relations and use this development to reorganize conceptually the proof of Hjorth's turbulence theorem.  We also introduce a dynamical criterion for showing that an orbit equivalence relation is not Borel reducible to the orbit equivalence relation induced by a CLI group action; that is, a group which admits a complete left invariant metric (recall that, by a result of Hjorth and Solecki, solvable groups are CLI). We deduce that $\simeq_U$ is not classifiable by CLI group actions.

This is a joint work with Martino Lupini.  

Mutual Stationarity


Omer Ben Neria




Monday, May 1, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm



RH 440R

Mutual stationarity is a notion of infinite products of stationary sets introduced by Foreman and Magidor. The assertion that an infinite sequence of stationary sets is mutually stationary has a natural model theoretic interpretation and can be viewed as a strengthening of the Loewenheim-Skolem property.

Compactness of \omega_1


Nam Trang




Monday, April 3, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm




We investigate various aspects of compactness of \omega_1 under ZF+ DC (the Axiom of Dependent Choice). We say that \omega_1 is X-supercompact if there is a normal, fine, countably complete nonprincipal measure on \powerset_{\omega_1}(X) (in the sense of Solovay). We say \omega_1 is X-strongly compact if there is a fine, countably complete nonprincipal measure on \powerset_{\omega_1}(X). A long-standing open question in set theory asks whether (under ZFC) "supercompactness" can be equiconsistent with "strong compactness. We ask the same question under ZF+DC. More specifically, we discuss whether the theories "\omega_1 is X-supercompact" and "\omega_1 is X-strongly compact" can be equiconsistent for various X. The global question is still open but we show that the local version of the question is false for various X. We also discuss various results in constructing and analyzing canonical models of AD^+ + \omega_1 is X-supercompact.


Definability aspects of the Denjoy integral


Sean Walsh




Monday, February 27, 2017 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

The Denjoy integral is an integral that extends the Lebesgue integral and can integrate any derivative. In this talk, it is shown that the graph of the indefinite Denjoy integral $f\mapsto \int_a^x f$ is a coanalytic non-Borel relation on the product space $M[a,b]\times C[a,b]$, where $M[a,b]$ is the Polish space of real-valued measurable functions on $[a,b]$ and where $C[a,b]$ is the Polish space of real-valued continuous functions on $[a,b]$. Using the same methods, it is also shown that the class of indefinite Denjoy integrals, called $ACG_{\ast}[a,b]$, is a coanalytic but not Borel subclass of the space $C[a,b]$, thus answering a question posed by Dougherty and Kechris. Some basic model theory of the associated spaces of integrable functions is also studied. Here the main result is that, when viewed as an $\mathbb{R}[X]$-module with the indeterminate $X$ being interpreted as the indefinite integral, the space of continuous functions on the interval $[a,b]$ is elementarily equivalent to the Lebesgue-integrable and Denjoy-integrable functions on this interval, and each is stable but not superstable, and that they all have a common decidable theory when viewed as $\mathbb{Q}[X]$-modules.


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