Bounds for Eigenfunctions of Semiclassical Pseudodifferential Operators with Double Characteristics


Francis White




Thursday, March 7, 2024 - 1:00pm


306 Rowland Hall

In mathematical physics, non self-adjoint operators often arise in connection with processes that do not conserve energy. From the mathematical point of view, such operators are of interest because they arise as the quantizations of complex-valued symbols, and the associated classical dynamics must be extended into the complex domain. In this talk, I will discuss the special class of non self-adjoint pseudodifferential operators with double characteristics, and I will present some new results on L^p-bounds for eigenfunctions of such operators in the semiclassical limit. The main tools used are the Fourier-Bros-Iagolnitzer (FBI) transform and microlocal analysis in exponentially weighted spaces of holomorphic functions.

About the case of equality in the Geometric Reverse Brascamp-Lieb inequality.


Pavlos Kalantzopoulos




Thursday, February 29, 2024 - 1:00pm


306 Rowland Hall

The Brascamp-Lieb inequality and the reverse form generalize the Holder and Prekopa-Leindler inequality. The equality case in the Brascamp-Lieb inequality has been characterized by Valdimarsson.  Partially building on the work of Bennett, Carbery, Christ and Tao we characterize the equality case in the Reverse Brascamp-Lieb inequality. The proof builds on the structure theory of ‘’Brascamp-Lieb data’’ and uses a variant of Caffarelli's contraction principle. We will also discuss some geometric applications, concerning volume estimates from orthogonal projections and sections. This is based on joint work with Karoly Boroczky and Dongmeng Xi.

A Dimension-free Remez Inequality


Joseph Slote




Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 1:00pm



RH 306

Remez-type inequalities bound the suprema of low-degree polynomials over some domain K by their suprema over a subset S of K. Existing multi-dimensional Remez inequalities bear constants with strong dependence on dimension. In this talk we will prove a dimension-free Remez-type estimate when K is the polydisc D^n and S is from a certain class of discrete subsets. As a direct consequence we also obtain a Bohnenblust-Hille-type inequality for products of cyclic groups, which in turn has consequences for learning algorithms. Based on joint work with Lars Becker, Ohad Klein, Alexander Volberg, and Haonan Zhang.

Spherical maximal functions and fractal dimensions of dilation sets


Joris Roos


UMass Lowell


Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 1:00pm



RH 306

This talk is about maximal averages on spheres in two and
higher-dimensional Euclidean space. This is a classic topic in harmonic analysis originating in questions
on differentiability properties of functions. We consider maximal spherical averages with a supremum taken over a
given dilation set. It turns out that the sharp Lp improving properties of such operators are closely related
to fractal dimensions of the dilation set such as the Minkowski and Assouad dimensions.
This leads to a surprising characterization of the closed convex sets which can occur as closure of the sharp Lp improving region of such a maximal operator. This is joint work with Andreas Seeger. If time allows we will also mention recent work on the Heisenberg group and related work in progress.

Slicing all edges of an n-cube requires n^{2/3} hyperplanes


Ohad Klein


Hebrew University


Thursday, August 17, 2023 - 11:00am



RH 306

Consider the n-cube graph in R^n, with vertices {0,1}^n and edges connecting vertices with Hamming distance 1.
How many hyperplanes are required in order to dissect all edges?
This problem has been open since the 70s. We will discuss this and related problems.

Puzzle: Show that n hyperplanes are sufficient, while sqrt(n) are not enough.

Quantitative norm convergence of triple ergodic averages for commuting transformations


Polona Durcik


Chapman University


Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 1:00pm


RH 306

We establish a quantitative result on norm convergence of triple ergodic averages with respect to three general commuting transformations by proving an r-variation estimate, r > 4, in the norm. We approach the problem via real harmonic analysis, using the recently developed techniques for bounding singular Brascamp-Lieb forms. It is not known whether such norm-variation estimates hold for all r>=2 as in the analogous cases for one or two commuting transformations, or whether such estimates hold for any r<infinity for more than three commuting transformations. This is joint work with Christoph Thiele and Lenka Slavikova.

On the bi-analytic version of the Mitiagin-DeLeeuw-Mirkhil non-inequality


Michał Wojciechowski


Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 - 11:00am




Using the method of Rudin-Shapiro polynomials we prove the bi-analytic version of the Mitiagin - DeLeeuw - Mirkhil non-inequality for complex partial differential operators with constant coefficients on bi-disc

Regularity of vector stationary processes and matrix weight boundedness of singular integrals


Alexander Volberg


Michigan State University


Thursday, February 16, 2023 - 11:00am


RH 306

Masani and Wiener asked to characterize the regularity of vector stationary stochastic processes. The question easily translates to a harmonic analysis question: for what matrix weights the Hilbert transform is bounded with respect to this weight? We solved this problem with Sergei Treil in 1996 introducing the matrix A_2 condition.

But what is the sharp estimate of the Hilbert transform in terms of matrix A_2 norm? This is still unknown in a striking difference with scalar case.

Convex body valued operators helped to get the estimate via norm raised to the power 3/2. But shouldn't it be power 1? 

We construct an example of a rather natural operator for which the estimate in scalar and vector case is indeed different. But it is not the Hilbert transform.

Dimension reduction for incompressible subsets of $\ell_p$


Alexandros Eskenazis


Sorbonne Université


Thursday, November 10, 2022 - 11:00am


RH 306

We present a Johnson-Lindenstrauss-type dimension reduction algorithm with additive error for incompressible subsets of $\ell_p$. The proof relies on a derandomized version of Maurey’s empirical method and a combinatorial idea of Ball.


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