Descent on the Picard variety of a degenerating curve


Shahed Sharif


California State University San Marcos


Thursday, May 31, 2012 - 3:00pm



RH 306

Let $C$ be a curve over a local field whose reduction is totally
degenerate. We discuss the related problems of 1) determining the
group structure of the torsion subgroup of the Jacobian of $C$, and 2)
determining if a given line bundle on $C$ is divisible by a given
integer $r$. Under certain hypotheses on the reduction of $C$, we
exhibit explicit algorithms for answering these two questions.

L-functions of p-adic characters


Daqing Wan


UC Irvine


Thursday, April 19, 2012 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm



Our main question is the p-adic meromorphic continuation of
the L-function attached to a p-adic character for the rational
function field over a finite field of characteristic p. In this talk,
I will explain a new and (hopefully) transparent approach to this
problem. (This is ongoing joint work with Chris Davis).

Constructing Higher Order Elements in Finite Fields


Qi Cheng


University of Oklahoma


Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 10:00am to 11:00am




Every finite field has many multiplicative generators. However,
finding one in polynomial time is an important open problem .
In fact, even finding elements of high order has not been solved
satisfactorily. In this paper, we present an algorithm that for any
positive integer $c$ and prime power $q$, finding an element of
order $\exp(\Omega(\sqrt{q^c}) ) $ in the finite field $\F_{q^{(q^c-1)/(q-1)}}$
in deterministic time $(q^c)^{O(1)}$. We also show that there are
$\exp(\Omega(\sqrt{q^c}) ) $ many weak keys for the discrete logarithm problems
in those fields with respect to certain bases.

The divisibility of the Tate-Shafarevich group of an elliptic curve in the Weil-Chatelet group


Mirela Ciperiani


University of Texas, Austin


Thursday, February 16, 2012 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

In this talk I will report on progress on the following two questions, the first posed by Cassels in 1961 and the second considered by Bashmakov in 1974. The first question is whether the elements of the Tate-Shafarevich group are innitely divisible when considered as elements of the Weil-Chatelet group. The second question concerns the intersection of the Tate-Shafarevich group with the maximal divisible subgroup of the Weil-Chatelet group. This is joint work with Jakob Stix.

Abelian varieties with big monodromy


David Brown


Emory University


Thursday, April 5, 2012 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

Serre proved in 1972 that the image of the adelic Galois representation
associated to an elliptic curve E without complex multiplication has open
image; moreover, he also proved that for an elliptic curve over Q the
index of the image is always divisible by 2 (and in particular never
surjective). More recently, Greicius in his thesis gave criteria for
surjectivity and gave an explicit example of an elliptic curve E over a
number field K with surjective adelic representation. Soon after, Zywina,
building on earlier work of Duke, Jones, and others, proved that the
adelic image `random' elliptic curve is maximal.

In this talk I will explain recent joint work with David Zywina in which
we generalize these theorems and prove that a random abelian variety in a
family with big monodromy has maximal image of Galois. I'll explain what
big monodromy and maximal mean an explain the analytic and geometric
techniques used in previous work and the new geometric ideas -- in
particular, Nori's method of semistable approximation-- needed to
generalized to higher dimension.

Fast Toric Algorithms Over Local Fields


Professor Maurice Rojas


Texas A&M University


Thursday, April 12, 2012 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

We show how to efficiently count exactly the number of solutions of a system of n polynomials in n variables over certain local fields L, for a new class of polynomials systems. The fields we handle include the reals and the p-adic rationals. The polynomial systems amenable to our methods are made up of certain A-discriminant chambers, and our algorithms are the first to attain polynomial-time in this setting. We also discuss connections to Baker's refinement of the abc-Conjecture, Smale's 17th Problem, and tropical geometry. The results presented are, in various combinations, joint with Martin Avendano, Philippe Pebay, Korben Rusek, and David C. Thompson.

Balanced subgroups


Professor Carl Pomerance


Dartmouth College


Thursday, February 9, 2012 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

For an integer n > 2, the unit group modulo n has an even number
of elements, with half of them having representatives in (0,n/2)
and the other half having representatives in (n/2,n). It is
"balanced". Say a subgroup H of this unit group is "balanced"
if each coset of H is evenly split between the bottom half and
the top half. Suppose g>1 is a fixed integer. We are concerned with
the distribution of numbers n coprime to g for which the
cyclic subgroup in the unit group mod n is balanced.
This has an application to the statistical study of the rank
of the Legendre curve over function fields. (Joint work with
Douglas Ulmer.)

On the parity conjecture for Selmer groups of modular forms


Dr. Liang Xiao


University of Chicago


Thursday, January 19, 2012 - 2:00pm


RH 306

The parity conjecture is a weak version of Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer
Conjecture or more generally, Beilinson-Bloch-Kato Conjecture. It is
conjectured that the vanishing order of the L-function at the central
point has the same parity as the dimension of the Bloch-Kato Selmer
group. I will explain an approach to this conjecture for modular
forms by varying the modular forms in a p-adic family. This is a joint
work with Kiran Kedlaya and Jay Pottharst.

Complexity in coding theory


Professor Daqing Wan




Thursday, November 3, 2011 - 3:00pm


RH 440R

Among the most important complexity problems in
coding theory are the maximun likelihood decoding
and the computation of the minimun distance.
In this talk, we explain a self-contained, quick and
transparent proof of the NP-hardness of these
problems based on the subset sum problem over
finite fields.


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