Remarks on isogenies over Q(sqrt(5)) and other number fields


Noam Elkies


Harvard University


Sunday, November 4, 2012 - 11:30am to 12:30pm


DBH 1600

On the occasion of the creation of a table of modular elliptic curves over Q(sqrt(5)), we review the "Remarks on isogenies" that accompanied the "Antwerp" tables (LNM 476), and outline some of the new phenomena and open questions that arise in attempting to give a similar overview of isogenies defined over Q(sqrt(5)) or other number fields. In particular, we account for some new isogeny degrees and graphs not seen over Q, and explain why the problem of proving completeness of the list over Q(sqrt(5)) is difficult but not hopeless.

Repulsive behavior in an exceptional family


Jeff Stopple


UC Santa Barbara


Sunday, November 4, 2012 - 10:00am to 11:00am


DBH 1600

The existence of a Landau-Siegel zero leads to the Deuring-Heilbronn phenomenon, here appearing in the 1-level density in a family of quadratic twists of a fixed genus character L-function. We obtain explicit lower order terms describing the vertical distribution of the zeros, and realize the influence of the Landau-Siegel zero as a resonance phenomenon.

Statistics of p-divisible groups over F_p


Bryden Cais


University of Arizona


Thursday, December 13, 2012 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Rowland Hall 440R

What is the probability that a random abelian variety over F_q is ordinary? Using (semi)linear algebra, we will answer an analogue of this question, and explain how our method can be used to answer similar statistical questions about p-rank and a-number. The answers are perhaps surprising, and deviate from what one might expect via naive reasoning. Using these computations and numerical evidence, we formulate several ``Cohen-Lenstra" heuristics for the structure of the p-torsion on the Jacobian of a random hyperelliptic curve over F_q. These heuristics are the "l=p " analogue of Cohen-Lenstra in the function field setting. This is joint work with Jordan Ellenberg and David Zureick-Brown.

The distribution of the zeta zeroes for Artin-Schreier covers over finite fields


Alina Bucur




Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Rowland Hall 440R

We will look at the distribution of the zeroes of the zeta
functions of Artin-Schreier covers over a fixed finite field of
characteristic $p$ as the genus grows. We will focus on two cases: the
$p$-rank zero locus and the ordinary locus.

Symmetric powers of Hilbert modular forms and p-adic L-functions


Andrei Jorza




Thursday, November 15, 2012 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Rowland Hall 440R

To a Hilbert modular form one may attach a p-adic analytic
L-function interpolating certain special values of the usual L-function.
Conjectures in the style of Mazur, Tate and Teitelbaum prescribe the order
of vanishing and first Taylor coefficient of such p-adic L-functions, the
first coefficient being controlled by an L-invariant which has conjectural
(arithmetic) value defined by Greenberg and Benois. I will explain how to
compute arithmetic L-invariants for (critical, exceptional) symmetric
powers of non-CM Iwahori level Hilbert modular forms via triangulations on
eigenvarieties. This is based on joint work with Robert Harron.

Motivic Analytic Number Theory


Daniel Litt




Thursday, November 8, 2012 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Rowland Hall 440R

There are beautiful and unexpected connections between algebraic
topology, number theory, and algebraic geometry, arising from the study of
the configuration space of (not necessarily distinct) points on a variety.
In particular, there is a relationship between the Dold-Thom theorem, the
analytic class number formula, and the "motivic stabilization of symmetric
powers" conjecture of Ravi Vakil and Melanie Matchett Wood. I'll discuss
several ideas and open conjectures surrounding these connections, and
describe the proof of one of these conjectures--a Hodge-theoretic
obstruction to the stabilization of symmetric powers--in the case of curves
and algebraic surfaces. Everything in the talk will be defined from
scratch, and should be quite accessible.

(Phi, Gamma)-Modules and the P-Adic Comparison Isomorphism


Kiran Kedlaya




Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 3:00pm


Rowland Hall 440R

Abstract: The comparison isomorphism in p-adic Hodge theory asserts that
in some sense, the p-adic etale cohomology and the algebraic de Rham cohomology
of a smooth proper variety over a finite extension of Q_p determine each
other. We propose an alternate interpretation in which the central
object is a standard auxiliary object in p-adic Hodge theory called a
(phi, Gamma)-module, from which p-adic etale cohomology and algebraic de
Rham cohomology are functorially derived using mechanisms introduced by
Fontaine. The hope is to then enrich this object to carry additional
structures especially for varieties defined over number fields; we
illustrate this by showing how to incorporate the rational structure of
de Rham cohomology. (This depends on joint work with Chris Davis.)

Rational points on Artin-Schreier curves


Alexander Mueller


University of Michigan


Tuesday, March 5, 2013 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm




An Artin-Schreier curve X (associated with an equation of the form y^p- y = f(x)) must satisfy the familiar Weil bound
||X(F_{p^n} )| - (p^n + 1)| < (degf - 1)(p - 1)p^{n/2}
but in many cases stronger bounds hold. In particular, Rojas-Leon and Wan proved such a curve must satisfy a bound of the form

||X(F_{p^n}) - (p^n +1)|<C_{d,n} p^{(n+1)/2}
where C{d,n} is a constant that depends on d := degf and n but not p. I will talk about how to use the representation theory of the symmetric group to prove both similar bounds and related statements about the zeros of the zeta function of X. Specifically, I will define a class of auxiliary varieties Y_n, each with an action of S_n, and explain how the S_n representation H^{n-1}(Y_n) contains useful arithmetic information about X. To provide an example, I will use these techniques to show that if d is “small” relative to p, then (a/b)^p = 1 for “most” pairs of X zeta zeroes a and b. 


Counting Cusp Forms


Mahdi Asgari


Oklahoma State University and Cornell University


Thursday, May 24, 2012 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

How many cusp form are there on SL(2), SL(n), or a more general (reductive or semisimple) linear algebraic group? Until a few years ago it was not known that there are infinitely many cusp forms on a group such as SL(n) beyond very small values of n.

Weyl's law refers to an asymptotic formula for the number of cusp forms on a given connected reductive group, in particular establishing their infinitude. I will discuss some work-in-progress, joint with Werner Mueller of University of Bonn, establishing Weyl's law with remainder terms for classical groups. Without remainder terms, this result was established, for spherical cusp forms, by Lindenstrauss and Venkatesh in a rather general setting.


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