Let P: ... -> C_2 -> C_1 -> P^1 be a Z_p-cover of the projective line over a finite field of characteristic p which ramifies at exactly one rational point. In this talk, we study the p-adic Newton slopes of L-functions associated to characters of the Galois group of P. It turns out that for covers P such that the genus of C_n is a quadratic polynomial in p^n for n large, the Newton slopes are uniformly distributed in the interval [0,1]. Furthermore, for a large class of such covers P, these slopes behave in an even more regular way. This is joint work with Hui June Zhu.
The period and index of a curve C are two quantities which describe the failure of C to have rational points. The mismatch between the two is of interest for its impact on the Shafarevich-Tate group of the Jacobian of C. The period-index problem is to determine what values of period and index are possible for a given genus g. We will give a complete answer when g=1, and an almost complete answer when g ≥ 2.
In this talk a lattice will mean a discrete subgroup Λ of n-dimensional Euclidean space; the sphere packing associated to Λ is the arrangement of congruent spheres of radius equal to one half the minimum distance of Λ and centered at the lattice points. The main parameter under consideration will be the packing density of the arrangement of spheres. With this in mind, a family of p-dimensional lattices will be constructed from submodules M of the ring of integers of a cyclic number filed L of degree p, where p is an odd unramified prime in L/Q. The density of the associated sphere packing will be determined in terms of the nonzero minimum of the trace form in M and the discriminant of L.
We show how the Galois representation of an elliptic curve over a number field can be used to determine the structure of the (topological) group of adelic points of that elliptic curve.
As a consequence, we find that for "almost all" elliptic curves over a number field K, the adelic point group is a universal topological group depending only on the degree of K. Still, we can construct infinitely many pairwise non-isomorphic elliptic curves over K that have an adelic point group not isomorphic to this universal group.
This generalizes work of my student Athanasios Angelakis (PhD Leiden, 2015).
In joint work with Daniel Hast, we recast the paper of Jon Keating and Zeev Rudnick "The variance of the number of prime polynomials in short intervals and in residue classes" by studying the geometry of these short intervals through an associated highly singular variety. We manage to recover their results for a a general class of arithmetic functions up to a constant and also obtain information about the higher moments. Recently work of Brad Rodgers in "Arithmetic functions in short intervals and the symmetric group" gives new insight into the geometry of our variety.
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q. The torsion subgroup of E over the compositum of all quadratic extensions of Q was studied by Michael Laska, Martin Lorenz, and Yasutsugu Fujita. Laska and Lorenz described a list of 31 possible groups and Fujita proved that the list of 20 different groups is complete.
In this talk, we will generalize the results of Laska, Lorenz and Fujita to the elliptic curves defined over a quadratic cyclotomic field i.e. Q(i) and Q(\sqrt{-3}).
Given two polynomials with integer coefficients, for how many primes p do the polynomials induce nonisomorphic dynamical systems mod p? This question will lead us to the study of the statistics of wreath products, the Galois theory of dynatomic polynomials, and other topics. This work is joint with Andrew Bridy.
Kloosterman sums play an important role in modern analytic number theory. I will give a brief survey of what is known about the classical Kloosterman sums and their connection to Maass cusp forms of weight 0 on the full modular group. I will then talk about recent progress toward bounding sums of Kloosterman sums of half-integral weight (joint with Scott Ahlgren) where the estimates are uniform in every parameter. Among other things, this requires us to develop a mean value estimate for coefficients of Maass cusp forms of half-integral weight. As an application, we obtain an improved estimate for the classical problem of bounding the size of the error term in Rademacher’s formula for the partition function.
The framework of the Weil conjectures establishes a correspondence between the arithmetic of varieties over finite fields and the topology of the corresponding complex varieties. Many varieties of interest arise in sequences, and a natural extension of the Weil conjectures asks for a relationship between the asymptotic point count of the sequence over finite fields and the limiting topology of the sequence over C. In this talk, I'll recall the Weil conjectures and explain the basic idea of these possible extensions. I'll then give a survey of ongoing efforts to understand and exploit this relationship, including Ellenberg-Venkatesh-Westerland's proof of the Cohen-Leinstra heuristics for function fields, a ``best possible'' form of this relationship in the example of configuration spaces of varieties (joint with Benson Farb), and a counterexample to this principle coming from classical work of Borel and recent work of Lipnowski-Tsimerman.
A lattice in a Euclidean space is called extremal if it is a local maximum of the packing density function in its dimension. An old theorem of Voronoi gives a beautiful characterization of extremal lattices in terms of their geometric properties. We will review Voronoi's criterion, and then apply it to exhibit families of extremal lattices coming from some algebraic and arithmetic constructions.