We say that a complete theory T has the Schröder-Bernstein property, or simply, the SB-property, if for any two models M and N of T that are elementary bi-embeddable then they are isomorphic. The purpose of this talk is to study the SB-property in the continuous context for Randomizations. Informally, a randomization of a first order (discrete) model, M, is a two sorted metric structure which consist of a sort of events and a sort of functions with values on the model, usually understood as random variables. More generally, given a complete first order theory T, there is a complete continuous theory known as randomized theory, T^R, which is the common theory of all randomizations of models of T. Randomizations were introduced first by Keisler in [5] and then axiomatized in the continuous setting by Ben Yaacov and Keisler in [4]. Since randomizations where introduced, many authors focused on examining which model theoretic properties of T are preserved on T^R, for example, in [4] and [3] it was shown that properties like ω-categoricity, stability and dependence are preserved. Similarly in [1] it is proved that the existence of prime models is preserved by randomization but notions like minimal models are not preserved. Following these ideas, we will prove that a first order theory T with ≤ ω countable models has the SB-property for countable models if and only if T^R has the SB-property for separable randomizations. This is a joint work with Alexander Berenstein, presented in [2].
[1] U. Andrews and H. J. Keisler. Separable models of randomizations. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, pages 1149–1181, 2015.
[2] Argoty, C., Berenstein, A. & Cuervo Ovalle, N. The SB-property on metric structures. Archive for Mathematical Logic (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00153-024-00949-y
[3] I. Ben Yaacov. Continuous and random vapnik-chervonenkis classes. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 1(173):309–333, 2009.
[4] I. Ben Yaacov and H. Jerome Keisler. Randomizations of models as metric structures. Confluentes Mathematici, 1(02):197–223, 2009. [5] H. J. Keisler. Randomizing a model. Advances in Mathematics, 143(1):124–158, 1999