Computing the zeta function of a $\Delta$-regular hypersurface


John Voight


UC Berkeley


Friday, April 22, 2005 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The number of solutions to a set of polynomial equations defined over a
finite field of $q=p^a$ elements is encoded by its zeta function, which is a
rational function in one variable. A question of fundamental interest is
how to compute this function efficiently. We describe a method to solve
this problem (due to Wan) using a $p$-adic trace formula of Dwork. We
examine how well this method works in practice on some explicit examples
coming from a certain class of varieties known as $\Delta$-regular
hypersurfaces. Our experience suggests several potential avenues of further

Hard Problems of Algebraic Geometry Codes


Professor Qi Cheng


University of Oklahoma


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 3:00pm


MSTB 256

The minimum distance is one of the most important combinatorial
characterizations of a code. The maximum likelihood decoding problem is
one of the most important algorithmic problems of a code. While these
problems are known to be hard for general linear codes, the techniques
used to prove their hardness often rely on the construction of artificial
codes. In general, much less is known about the hardness of the specific
classes of natural linear codes. In this paper, we show that both problems
are NP-hard for algebraic geometry codes. We achieve this by reducing a
well-known NP-complete problem to these problems using a randomized
algorithm. The family of codes in the reductions have positive rates, but
the alphabet sizes are exponential in the block lengths.



Professor Cristian Popescu




Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - 3:00pm


MSTB 256

We discuss a refinement of the Rubin-Stark Conjecture for abelian L-functions of arbitrary order of vanishing at s=0. This generalizes Gross's v-adic refinement of the abelian, order of vanishing 1, integral Stark Conjecture and predicts a link between special values of derivatives of p-adic and global L-functions. Time permitting, we will also show how our refinement relates to a recent strengthening of Gross's Conjecture due to Tate.

Problems and Results on Covering Systems


Professor Zhi-Wei Sun


Nanjing University


Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 3:00pm


MSTB 256

This is an introduction to the important aspects of
covers of the integers by residue classes and covers of groups
by cosets or subgroups. The field is connected with number theory,
combinatorics, algebra and analysis. It is quite fascinating, and
also very difficult (but the results can be easily understood).
Many problems and conjectures remain open, some nice theorems and
applications will be introduced.

Selmer groups and skew-Hermitian matrices


Professor Karl Rubin




Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - 3:00pm


MSTB 256

Suppose E is an elliptic curve defined over a number
field K, and p is a prime where E has good ordinary reduction.
We wish to study the Selmer groups of E over all finite extensions
L of K contained in the maximal Z_p-power extension of K, along
with their p-adic height pairings and a Cassels pairings.
Our goal is to produce a single free Iwasawa module of finite
rank, with a skew-Hermitian pairing, from which we can recover
all of this data. Using recent work of Nekovar we can show that
(under mild hypotheses) such an `organizing module' exists, and we
will give some examples.
This work is joint with Barry Mazur.


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