Iteration Dynamics from Cryptology on Exceptional Covers


Professor Mike Fried


Montana State U-Billings, Emeritus UCI


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Let Fq be the finite field and : XY an Fq cover of normal varieties. We call exceptional if it maps 1-1 on Fqt points for an infinity of t. We say over Q is exceptional if it is exceptional mod infinitely many p. When X=Y, and is over Q, we have a map: exceptional p period of mod p. RSA cryptography uses x xk (k odd) and Euler's Theorem gives us its periods.

We give a paragraph of history: Schur (1921) posed a list of all Q exceptional polynomials. This inspired Davenport and Lewis (1961) to propose that a geometric property C D-L C would imply a polynomial is exceptional. Both were right (1969). Serre's O(pen) I(mage) T(heorem) produces most remaining exceptional Q rational functions (1977).

We use the D-L generalization to show exceptional covers (of Y over Fq) form a category with fiber products: the (Y,Fq) exceptional tower. Using that we can generate subtowers that connect the tower to two famous results.

I. Denef-Loeser-Nicaise motives: They attach a "motivic Poincare series" to any problem over Q. A generalization of exceptional covers produces (we say Weil) relations among Poincare series over (Y,Fq). The easiest converse question is this: If the zeta functions of X and P1 have a special Weil relation, is X an exceptional cover?

II. Serre's O(pen) I(mage) T(heorem): Rational functions from the OIT generate two (P1,Fq) exceptional subtower. The C(omplex) M(ultiplication) part of the OIT produces exceptional covers. We see their periods from the CM analog of Euler's Theorem. Periods of the subtower from the G(eneral) L(inear) part of the OIT give our most serious challenge.

Truncated Euler systems


Soogil Seo


Yonsei University


Monday, March 10, 2008 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

Let K be an imaginary quadratic field and let F be an abelian extension of K. It is known that the order of the class group Cl_F of F is equal to the order of the quotient U_F/El_F of the group of global units U_F by the group of elliptic units El_F of F. We introduce a filtration on El_F made from the so-called truncated Euler systems and conjecture that the associated graded module is isomorphic, as a Galois module, to the class group.

On the Coates-Sinnott Conjectures


Cristian Popescu




Thursday, April 10, 2008 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

The conjectures in the title were formulated in the late 1970's as vast generalizations of the classical theorem of Stickelberger. They make a subtle connection between the Z[G(L/k)]-module structure of the Quillen K-groups K*(OL) in an abelian extension L/k of number fields and the values at negative integers of the associated G(L/k)-equivariant L-functions.

These conjectures are known to hold true if the base field k is Q, due to work of Coates-Sinnott and Kurihara. In this talk, we will provide evidence in support of these conjectures over arbitrary totally real number fields k.

PEL moduli spaces without C-valued points


Oliver Bueltel


University of Heidelberg


Thursday, April 3, 2008 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

The moduli space A_g of principally polarized abelian
g-folds may be viewed as a prime motivation for the theory of
Shimura varieties. I will explain this, along with variants of
such moduli interpretations (of Hodge-type or PEL).

I will then discuss mod p reductions and some of their moduli
interpretations which are outside the Hodge or PEL class.

Characteristic polynomials of automorphisms of hyperelliptic curves


Everett Howe


CCR - La Jolla


Thursday, April 17, 2008 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

Let alpha be an automorphism of a hyperelliptic curve C of genus g,
and let alpha' be the automorphism of P^1 induced by alpha.
Let n be the order of alpha and let n' be the order of alpha'.
We show that the triple (g,n,n') completely determines the
characteristic polynomial of the automorphism alpha^* of the
Jacobian of C, unless n is even, n=n', and (2g+2)/n is even,
in which case there are two possibilities. We give explicit
formulas for the characteristic polynomial in all cases.

Hayes's conjecture on the values of equivariant Artin L-functions at s=0


Dr. Barry Smith




Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

I will introduce a recent conjecture of Hayes concerning the value at s=0 of the
equivariant Artin L-function associated with an Abelian extension K/k of number fields. It
proposes a relationship between certain unramified Kummer extensions of K and the
denominators of the coefficients of this L-function value. The conjecture can be viewed as a
new generalization of the classical analytic class number formula.

T-adic L-functions of p-adic exponential sums


Professor Daqing Wan




Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

The T-adic L-function is a unversal L-function which
interpolates classical L-functions of all p-power order
exponential sums associated to a polynomial f(x) defined
over a finite field. We study its T-adic analytic properties
(analytic continuation and its T-adic Newton polygon).
The T-adic Newton polygon provides a uniform improvement
to previous results on p-adic Newton polygon of exponential sums
in the non-ordinary case. This is joint work with Chunlei Liu.

Elliptic divisibility sequences


Marco Streng


Leiden University


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 2:50pm


MSTB 254

Elliptic divisibility sequences arise as sequences of
denominators of the integer multiples of a rational point on an elliptic
curve. Silverman proved that almost every term of such a sequence has a
primitive divisor (i.e. a prime divisor that has not appeared as a
divisor of earlier terms in the sequence). If the elliptic curve has
complex multiplication, then we show how the endomorphism ring can be
used to index a similar sequence and we prove that this sequence also
has primitive divisors. The original proof fails in this context and
will be replaced by an inclusion-exclusion argument and sharper
diophantine estimates.

Prime densities for linear recurrent sequences


Professor Peter Stevenhagen


Leiden University


Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Given an integer sequence X={x_n}_n, a natural question is to
`quantify' the number of primes dividing at least one non-zero
term of the sequence. For most naturally occurring sequences this is a
hard question, and usually we only have conjectures.
We will show that in the case of second order linear recurrent sequences,
the set of prime divisors has a natural density that, at least in principle,
can be computed exactly.


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