Tame polynomials and exponential sums


Antonio Rojas-Leon




Thursday, May 11, 2006 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

Given an arbitrary polynomial f in n variables over a finite field k, it is known that for a generic linear form l the exponential sum associated to f(x)+l(x) is pure. However, the proof is non-constructive and gives no explicit description of the set of such l's. In this talk we will give some results and conjectures related to the problem of giving an explicit geometric description of this set.

A survey of zero-sum problems on abelian groups


Prof. Zhi-Wei Sun


UCI and Nanjing University


Thursday, January 19, 2006 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

Let G be a finite abelian group. A zero-sum problem on G asks for
the smallest positive integer k such that for any sequence a_1,...,a_k
of elements of G there exists a subsequence of required length the sum of
whose terms vanishes. In this talk we will give a survey of problems and
results in this field. In particular, we will talk about Olson's theorem
on the Davenport constanst of an abelian p-group and Reiher's celebrated
proof of the Kemnitz conjecture.

Local and global properties of sheaves and rank of exponential sums.


Dr. Antonio Rojas Leon




Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

The Euler-Poincare formula gives a relation between the local
properties of an l-adic sheaf (like ramification) and its global
properties (like the Euler characteristic). In this talk we will see how
to apply it to compute the rank of some pure exponential sums.

Formal Dirichlet Series and Zeta Functions of Schemes


Professor Jesse Elliott


Cal State Univ, Channel Islands


Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 3:00pm


MSTB 254

The set of multiplicative arithmetic functions over a ring R
(commutative with identity) can be given a unique functorial ring
structure for which (1) the operation of addition is Dirichlet
convolution and (2) multiplication of completely multiplicative
functions coincides with point-wise multiplication. This existence of
this ring structure can be derived from the existence of the ring of
``big'' Witt vectors, and it yields a ring structure on the set of
formal Dirichlet series that are expressible as an Euler product. The
group of additive arithmetic functions over R also has a naturally
defined ring structure, and there is a functorial ring homomorphism
from the ring of multiplicative functions to the ring of additive
functions that is an isomorphism if R is a Q-algebra. An application
is given to zeta functions of schemes of finite type over the ring
of integers.


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