Schedule: There will be four one hour invited lectures starting at 10AM and ending around 5:30PM. A more detailed schedule will be posted soon.
Speakers: Aaron Landesman (Harvard University), Michelle Manes (University of Hawaii), Holly Swisher (Oregon State University), Stanley Xiao (University of Northern British Columbia)
Lightning Talks: We are planning a session where number theory graduate students and postdocs are invited to present their research. These talks will be approximately 5-10 minutes. If you would like to give a lightning talk, please contact Nathan Kaplan by September 9. Please include your name, affiliation, advisor's name, talk title, and a brief abstract.
Registration: There is no registration fee for the conference, but to help our planning please register.
Location: Natural Sciences II, room 1201 (building 402, located at G6 on this map).
Travel support: Some travel funding is available for participants, with preference given to graduate students and postdocs, especially those giving lightning talks. We also encourage applications from members of under-represented groups. If you would like to apply for funding, please contact Nathan Kaplan with an itemized estimate of expenses, preferably by September 16. Please include your name, affiliation, and advisor's name (if applicable). We strongly encourage carpooling.
Dinner: There will be a conference dinner. Details TBD.