Lipschitz shadowing for diffeomorphisms and vector fields


Sergey Tikhomirov


Institute for Mathematics, Free University of Berlin


Friday, January 13, 2012 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

The shadowing problem is related to the following question: under which condition, for any pseudotrajectory approximate trajectory) of a vector field there exists a close trajectory? It is known that in a neighbourhood of a hyperbolic set diffeomorphisms and vector fields have shadowing property. In fact more general statement is correct: structurally stable dynamical systems satisfy shadowing property.

We are interested if converse implication is correct. We consider notion of Lipschitz shadowing property and proved that it is equivalent to structural stability for the cases of diffeomorphisms and vector fields.

Talk is based on joint works with S. Pilyugin and K. Palmer

Skew products with interval fibers


Denis Volk


SISSA, Italy


Friday, November 18, 2011 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

Skew products over subshifts of finite type naturally appear when one attempts to apply the methods of classical dynamical systems to random dynamical systems. There is also a close connection between these skew products and partially hyperbolic dynamical systems on smooth manifolds.

Even for the fiber dimension equal to one, we are far from understanding what typical skew products look like. During the last 30 years there appeared several papers studying the skew products with a circle fiber. I will talk about the case when the fiber is an interval, and fiber maps are orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms.

In the work joint with V. Kleptsyn, we developed a theorem which gives us a complete* description of the dynamics of typical step skew products (fiber map depends only on a single symbol in the base sequence). We also obtained a similar result for generic skew products using an additional assumption of partial-hyperbolic nature.

*except some subset which projects onto zero measure set in the base

Periodic solutions of parabolic problems with discontinuous hysteresis


Sergey Tikhomirov


Institute for Mathematics, Free University of Berlin


Tuesday, November 1, 2011 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

We consider the heat equation in a multidimensional domain with nonlocal hysteresis feedback control in a boundary condition. Thermostat is our prototype model.

By reducing the problem to a discontinuous infinite dynamical system, we construct all periodic solutions with exactly two switchings on the period and study their stability. In the problem under consideration, the hysteresis gap (the difference between the switching temperatures) is of especial importance.

If the hysteresis gap is large enough, then the constructed periodic solution is in fact unique and globally stable. For small values of hysteresis gap coexistence of several periodic solutions with different stability properties is proved to be possible.

This is a joint work with Pavel Gurevich.

On relation between measures of maximal entropy of hyperbolic maps and the density of states of Fibonacci Hamiltonian


Anton Gorodetski


UC Irvine


Friday, October 28, 2011 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

We consider the density of states measure of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian and show that, for small values of the coupling constant, this measure is exact-dimensional and the almost everywhere the local scaling exponent is a smooth function of the parameter, is strictly smaller than the Hausdorff dimension of the spectrum, and converges to one as the coupling constant tends to zero. The proof relies on a new connection between the density of states measure of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian and the measure of maximal entropy for the Fibonacci trace map on the non-wandering set in the invariant surface (level surface of the Fricke-Vogt invariant). This allows us to make a connection between the spectral problem at hand and the dimension theory of dynamical systems.
This is a joint work with David Damanik.

Analytic quasi-periodic Jacobi operators: Dynamics, Spectral Theory and Extended Harper's model


Chris Marx


UC Irvine


Friday, October 21, 2011 - 2:00pm


RH 440R

In this talk we present a survey of our results on quasi-periodic Jacobi operators whose diagonal and off-diagonal elements are generated from two analytic functions on the circle. Such operators arise as effective Hamiltonians describing the effects of external magnetic fields on a tight binding, infinite crystal layer. The main motivation of our investigations was extended Harper's model (EHM), whose description on both the level of spectral analysis, as well the Lyapunov exponent (LE) had posed an open problem even from the point of view of physics literature. Among the topics that will be addressed are: Singular components of spectral measures for ergodic Jacobi operators, Singular analytic cocycles and joint continuity of the Lyapunov exponent, Recovery of spectral data from rational frequency approximants, Almost constant cocycles and the complexified LE of EHM, Spectral theory of EHM.


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