Thermodynamic formalism with applications in hyperbolic dynamics II


William Yessen


UC Irvine


Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

We continue with thermodynamic formalism from last time, this time applying what we have learned to hyperbolic dynamical systems. In particular, we shall see how thermodynamic formalism can be applied to obtain information about fractal dimensions of hyperbolic sets (which is, in a sense, a measure of complexity of the system). In particular, we shall cover: the Bowen's equation (relating topological pressure to Hausdorff dimension), which is a very broad generalization of Moran's theorem for some iterated function systems, as well as Ruelle's theorem (asserting that, in some sense, only observables at periodic points are needed to completely determine Bowen's equation). If time permits, we shall describe an approach, using thermodynamic formalism, to one of the open problems in spectral theory of quasiperiodic Schroedinger operators, that was presented by Anton Gorodetski at the seminar on Oct. 16th. 

Thermodynamic formalism with applications in hyperbolic dynamics I


William Yessen


UC Irvine


Tuesday, October 23, 2012 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

Thermodynamic formalism as a mathematical theory has its roots in one of the most successful theories of physics -- thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. In its core, the theory of thermodynamic formalism seeks to describe properties of observable "macroscopic" phenomena based on the average behavior of the "microscopic" constituents. In the language of dynamical systems: given a dynamical system $(X, f)$, with $X$ the phase space and $f$ the map defining the dynamics, one seeks to describe properties of functions defined on $X$ (the macroscopic observables) based on the (often averaged, in some well-defined sense) behavior of $f$. In particular, thermodynamic formalism leads to strong results in dimension theory of dynamical systems (e.g. describing fractal dimensions and measures of sets arising as invariant sets of some chaotic dynamical systems). In this first of a series of two talks, we shall present the main ingredients of thermodynamic formalism: topological entropy, metric entropy, topological pressure, and the variational principle for the pressure.

Open problems in dynamical systems


Anton Gorodetski


UC Irvine


Tuesday, October 16, 2012 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm


RH 440R

We will review the inventory of open problems related to hyperbolic and partially hyperbolic dynamics (including the trace map dynamics), conservative dynamics, complex dynamics, piecewise translations, and convolutions of singular measures that are in a focus of our seminar interests (or are natural candidates for this status). Many of the problems are suitable for beginning graduate students. 

A gentle introduction to quantum walks


David Damanik


Rice University


Friday, June 1, 2012 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm



RH 340N


In this talk we explain the concept of a quantum walk and survey some of
the results obtained for them recently by various authors. We will also
address the special case of coins given by the Fibonacci sequence, both
in a spatial and in a temporal context.

Compatible periodic hybrid orbits of prefractal Koch snowflake billiards


Robert Niemeyer


UC Riverside


Friday, May 11, 2012 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm



RH 340N

The billiard table with a nowhere differentiable boundary is not well defined; the law of reflection holds a no point of the boundary.  Denoting the Koch snowflake by KS, the billiard Omega(KS) is a canonical example of such a table and the focus of the talk.  We will show that KS being approximated by a sequence of rational polygons and Omega(KS) being tiled by equilateral triangles both allow us to construct what we call a sequence of compatible periodic hybrid orbits.  Under certain situations, such sequences have interesting limiting behavior indicative of the existence of a well-defined billiard orbit of Omega(KS).  In addition to this, we provide a topological dichotomy for a sequence of compatible orbits.  Other important properties and interesting results will be discussed, especially with regards to the possible presence of self-similarity in what we propose to be a well-defined periodic hybrid of the Koch snowflake fractal billiard Omega(KS).  Finally, we will briefly discuss future research problems.

Regularity properties of the Lyapunov-exponent for quasi-periodic M(2,C)-cocycles


Christoph Marx


UC Irvine


Friday, April 27, 2012 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm



RH 340N


Questions of continuity of the Lyapunov exponent play an important role in the spectral theory of quasi-periodic Jacobi matrices. Purpose of this talk is to present a survey of available positive and negative results for general, quasi-periodic M(2,C)-cocycles.

Scaling zeta functions and multifractal analysis of self-similar measures


John Rock


Cal Poly Pomona


Friday, May 18, 2012 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm



RH 340N

Motivated by the theory of fractal strings and complex dimensions of M. L. Lapidus and M. van Frankenhuijsen, we define a class of fractal strings for self-similar measures based on scaling regularity. In turn, these fractal strings allow for an analysis of the symbolic dynamics on such measures via the abscissae of convergence of scaling zeta functions. With this approach, we recover (among other things) Moran's theorem regarding the Hausdorff dimension of self-similar sets and the Hausdorff dimensions of Besicovitch subsets.

Basic properties of cocycles and connections with spectral theory of quasiperiodic 1D Hamiltonians


William Yessen


UC Irvine


Friday, April 20, 2012 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm


RH 340N

We shall review basic properties of cocycles over a minimal dynamical system, taking values in the special linear group of two by two matrices over the real numbers. It turns out that dynamical properties of such cocycles play a central role in the spectral theory of quasiperiodic one-dimensional Hamiltonians. We shall review those dynamical properties and connections with spectral theory. This talk will be of expository nature, and technical details will be kept to a minimum (respectively, we shall assume no prior background in the subject). 

On Bruin-Troubetzkoy family


Scott Northrup




Friday, March 16, 2012 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm


RH 440R

Bruin-Troubetzkoy family is a two parameter family of interval translation mappings. It was studied using a renormalization procedure that provides a satisfactory description of its dynamical properties. In the talk we will describe this procedure, list the known properties of the family, and state some new results.


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