
Spencer Unger


Carnegie Mellon University


Monday, February 13, 2012 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

In this series of two talks I will give an introduction to some of my recent research on the ineffable tree property. The ineffable tree property is a two cardinal combinatorial principle which can consistently hold at small cardinals. My recent work has been on generalizing results about the classical tree property to the setting of the ineffable tree property. The main theorem that I will work towards in these talks generalizes a theorem of Cummings and Foreman. From omega supercompact cardinals, Cummings and Foreman constructed a model where the tree property holds at all of the $\aleph_n$ with $1 < n < \omega$. I recently proved that in their model the $(\aleph_n,\lambda)$ ineffable tree property holds for all $n$ with $1 < n < \omega$ and $\lambda \geq \aleph_n$.