
Dr Sean Cox


Munster University, Germany


Monday, October 11, 2010 - 4:00pm


RH 440R

I will present the proofs of some recent results of Viale
and Weiss. Weiss introduced the notion of a slender function in his
dissertation: roughly, a function $M \mapsto F(M) \subset M$ (where
$M$ models a fragment of set theory) is slender iff for every
countable $Z \in M$, $Z \cap F(M) \in M$; i.e. $M$ can see countable
fragments of $F(M)$. Viale and Weiss proved that under the Proper
Forcing Axiom, for every regular $\theta \ge \omega_2$, there are
stationarily many $M \in P_{\omega_2}(H_{(2^\theta)^+})$ which
``catch'' $F(M \cap H_\theta)$ whenever $F$ is slender (i.e. whenever
$F$ is slender then there is some $X_F \in M$ such that $F(M \cap
H_\theta) = M \cap X_F$). The stationarity of this collection implies
many of the known consequences of PFA; e.g. failure of weak square at
every regular $\theta \ge \omega_2$; and separating internally
approachable sets from sets of uniform uncountable cofinality.