Breaking the duality in the Return Times Theorem


Ciprian Demeter


Thursday, January 18, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

numbers greater than or equal to 1 such that 1/p+1/q is less than or equal to 1. The Return Times Theorem proved by Bourgain asserts the following: For each function f in L^{p}(X) there is a universal subset X_0 of X with measure 1, such that for each second dynamical system (Y,Sigma_2,m_2,S), each g in L^{q}(Y) and each x in X_0, the averages 1/N\sum_{n=1}^{N}f(T^nx)g(S^ny) converge for almost every y in Y.
We show how to break the duality in this theorem. More precisely, we prove that the result remains true if p is greater than 1 and q is greater than or equal to 2. We emphasize the strong connections between this result and the Carleson-Hunt theorem on the convergence of the Fourier series. We also prove similar results for the analog of Bourgain's theorem for signed averages, where no positive results were previously known. This is joint work with Michael Lacey, Terence Tao and Christoph Thiele.

Canonical K\"ahler metrics and the K\"ahler-Ricci flow


Jian Song


Thursday, January 18, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

The existence of K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on a compact K\"ahler manifold
of definite or vanishing first Chern class has been the subject of intense
study over the last few decades, following Yau's solution to Calabi's
conjecture. The K\"ahler-Ricci flow is the most canonical way to construct
K\"ahler-Einstein metrics. We define and prove the existence of a family
of new canonical metrics on projective manifolds with semi-ample canonical
bundle, where the first Chern class is semi-definite. Such a generalized
K\"ahler-Einstein metric can be constructed as the singular collapsing
limit by the K\"ahler-Ricci flow on minimal surfaces of Kodaira dimension
one. Some recent results of K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on K\"ahler
manifolds of positive first Chern class will also be discussed.

Murphy's Law in algebraic geometry: Badly-behaved moduli spaces


Ravi Vakil


Wednesday, January 17, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We consider the question: ``How bad can the deformation space of an
object be?'' (Alternatively: ``What singularities can appear on a
moduli space?'') The answer seems to be: ``Unless there is some a
priori reason otherwise, the deformation space can be arbitrarily
bad.'' We show this for a number of important moduli spaces.
More precisely, up to smooth parameters, every singularity that can be
described by equations with integer coefficients appears on moduli
spaces parameterizing: smooth projective surfaces (or
higher-dimensional manifolds); smooth curves in projective space (the
space of stable maps, or the Hilbert scheme); plane curves with nodes
and cusps; stable sheaves; isolated threefold singularities; and more.
The objects themselves are not pathological, and are in fact as nice
as can be. This justifies Mumford's philosophy that even moduli
spaces of well-behaved objects should be arbitrarily bad unless there
is an a priori reason otherwise.
I will begin by telling you what ``moduli spaces'' and ``deformation
spaces'' are. The complex-minded listener can work in the holomorphic
category; the arithmetic listener can think in mixed or positive
characteristic. This talk is intended to be (mostly) comprehensible
to a broad audience.

Flows, bumps, and flexibility: fish fins, whale flippers, and more


Silas Alben


Wednesday, January 17, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

I will discuss a few recent studies on how organisms propel themselves through water, focusing on the appendages that allow them to do so efficiently. I will begin with fish fins, which have evolved over millions of years in a convergent fashion, leading to a highly-intricate fin-ray structure that is found in half of all fish species. This fin ray structure gives the fin flexibility plus one degree of freedom for shape control. I will present a linear elasticity model of the fin ray, based on experiments performed in the Lauder Lab in Harvard's Biology department.
In conjunction with this work, I will present numerical simulations of a fully-coupled fin-fluid model, based on a new method for computing the dynamics of a flexible bodies and vortex sheets in 2D flows. The simulations are applied to the most common mode of fish swimming, based on tail fin oscillations. In the passive case, an optimal flexibility for thrust is identified, and we consider also the optimal distribution of flexibility, with reference to recent measurements of tapering of insect wings and fish fins. We also briefly present work on fundamental
instabilities of a flexible body aligned with a flow (the "flapping flag" problem).
I will then discuss work on the role of bumps on the leading edge of humpback whale flippers, in collaboration with Ernst van Nierop and Michael Brenner at Harvard. Bumps have been shown in wind tunnels to increase the angle of attack at which flippers lose lift dramatically, or "stall." This stall-delay is thought to enable greater agility. In this study we propose an aerodynamic mechanism which explains why the lift curve flattens out as the amplitude of the bumps is increased, leading to potentially desirable control properties.
Finally, I will briefly describe results on a recent problem in self-assembly: the formation of 3D structures from flat elastic sheets with embedded magnets. The ultimate utility of this method for assembly depends on whether it leads to incorrect, metastable structures. We examine how the number of metastable states depends on the sheet shape and thickness. Using simulations and the theory of dislocations in elastic media we identify out-of-plane buckling as the key event leading to metastability. The number of metastable states increases rapidly with increasing variability in the boundary curvature and decreasing sheet thickness.

Local and global results for Schroedinger Maps


Ioan Bejenaru


Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

We introduce the Schroedinger Maps which can be thought as free Solutions of the geometric Schroedinger equation. More exactly, while the classical Schroedinger equation is written for functions taking values in $\mathhb{C} (complex plane), the range of a Schroedinger Map is a manifold (with a special structure). We explain the importance of these Maps and what are the fundamental aspects one would like to understand about them. Then we focus on the particular case when the target manifold is $\mathbb{S}^2$ (the two dimensional sphere) and review the most recent results along with our contribution to the field.

Phase-field simulation of the partial coalescence cascade between a drop and an interface


Pengtao Yue


University of British Columbia


Thursday, January 4, 2007 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

The phase-field method, also known as the diffuse interface method, has gained popularity in simulating interfacial flows. The interface between two immiscible fluids is treated as a diffuse layer governed by a phase-field variable that obeys the Cahn-Hilliard equation. In my talk, I will first describe two recent contributions to this class of methods: a generalization of the theoretical framework to account for complex rheology of non-Newtonian fluids, and a finite-element implementation with adaptive meshing for highly accurate interfacial resolution. These have allowed us to simulate interfacial dynamics of complex fluids with a refined understanding of the microscopic physics. Then I will discuss numerical simulations of the unique partial coalescence process. This refers to the phenomenon that a drop falling onto a fluid-fluid interface does not merge with it completely but leaves a smaller daughter drop behind, thus forming a cascade of partial coalescence. With a wide range of length scales, this phenomenon highlights the advantages and limitations of the numerical method. The numerical results show qualitative and sometime quantitative agreement with experiments. Furthermore, we develop general criteria for the occurrence of partial coalescence, which are very difficult to explore experimentally.

The Geometry of Grassmannians and Flag varieties


Izzet Coskun




Thursday, January 4, 2007 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

A Littlewood-Richardson rule is a positive rule for computing the structure constants of the cohomology ring of flag varieties with respect to their Schubert basis. In recent years new geometric Littlewood-Richardson rules have led to the solution of many important problems, including Klyachko, Knutson and Tao's solution of Horn's conjecture and Vakil's solution of the reality of Schubert calculus. In
this talk I will survey some of the basic geometric ideas that underlie geometric Littlewood-Richardson rules.

New progress on branched covers of the Riemann sphere


Postdoctoral Fellow Brian Osserman


UC Berkeley


Friday, December 1, 2006 - 4:00pm


MSTB 254

We discuss new work in a very classical field: the study of branched covers of the Riemann sphere. We first recall the classical picture as developed by Hurwitz, including the relationship between branched covers and group-theoretic monodromy data, and the Hurwitz spaces which parametrize branched covers. We then give two new results: a connectedness result, joint with Fu Liu, for certain Hurwitz spaces in the classical setting, and a result which can be viewed as an analogue of the Riemann existence theorem for certain tamely branched covers of the projective line over fields of positive characteristic.

The level-rank duality for nonabelian theta functions.


Gibbs Assistant Professor Alina Marian


Yale University


Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 2:00pm


MSTB 254

Spaces of sections of tensor powers of the theta line bundle on moduli spaces of semistable arbitrary rank bundles on a compact Riemann surface are subject to a level-rank duality: each space of sections is geometrically isomorphic to the dual of the space of sections obtained by interchanging the tensor power (level) of the theta bundle on the moduli space and the rank of the bundles that make up the moduli space.
This corresponds in representation theory to an isomorphism of conformal blocks of representations of affine Lie algebras, when the rank of the algebra and the level of the representation are interchanged.
Dr. Marian will sketch a proof of the geometric statement, which is the result of joint work with Dragos Oprea, and draws inspiration from work by Prakash Belkale who established the isomorphism for a generic Riemann surface.

A Geometric Method for Automatic Extraction of Sulcal Fundi


Assistant Professor Chiu-Yen Kao


The Ohio State University


Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

Sulcal fundi are 3D curves that lie in the depths of the cerebral cortex and are often used as landmarks for downstream computations in brain image processing. In this talk, a sequence of geometric algorithms is introduced to automatically extract the sulcal fundi from magnetic resonance images (MRI) and represent sulcal fundi as smooth polylines lying on the cortical surface. The automatic sulcal extraction can improve the quality and reproducibility of the process as well as yielding considerable time savings. This makes the large number of high-resolution MRI datasets available for analysis.


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