Using mathematics to resolve scientific concerns


Donald Saari


UC Irvine


Friday, April 7, 2017 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

Graduate students may wonder how the muscle power of mathematics can be used to solve, or at least shed light, on serious concerns from other disciplines.  In this expository presentation, I offer some examples.  The first is how orbits of symmetry groups can resolve a range of long-standing puzzles coming from voting to statistics to …  A second is how related ideas introduce new insights about the compelling “dark matter” mystery from astronomy.

Diffeomorphisms are hard to understand


Matthew Foreman


UC Irvine


Friday, May 19, 2017 - 4:00pm to 10:00pm


MSTB 124

In 1932 von Neumann proposed classifying the statistical behavior of measure preserving diffeomorphisms of the torus, In joint work with B. Weiss I prove this is impossible (in a convincing and rigorous sense) even in the simplest and most concrete case: the 2-torus. 

By luck our work has accidental, but far-reaching consequences inside ergodic theory.  It establishes a “global structure theorem” for ergodic measure preserving transformations that gives heretofore unknown and surprising examples of diffeomorphisms of the torus.

Absolute robustness in deterministic and stochastic chemical reaction networks


German Enciso


UC Irvine


Friday, February 3, 2017 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

Absolute concentration robustness is a property that allows signaling networks to sustain a consistent output in the face of protein concentration variability from cell to cell.  This property is structural and can be determined from the topology of the network alone.  In this talk, I discuss this concept first for deterministic systems, and then set out to describe their stochastic behavior.  In the long term, the corresponding stochastic processes undergo an extinction event that eliminates the robustness. However, these systems have a transiently robust behavior that may be sufficient to carry out the necessary signal transduction in cells.  This work has been recently funded by NSF and graduate students are invited to inquire about working with me on this topic.

Three types of quantization


Vladimir Baranovsky


UC Irvine


Friday, February 10, 2017 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

I will discuss three different contexts in which commutative
rings of functions and modules over them are replaced by their
non-commutative versions. One is the ring of differential operators, where
the modules correspond to systems of differential equations. The second
setting is geometric quantization which provides a baby version of the
Hilbert space in quantum mechanics. The third setting is deformation
quantization in symplectic geometry. I will explain a relation between these
three versions, although the reasons behind the relations are not quite well

Curve Shortening: An introduction to geometric flows


Jeffrey Streets


UC Irvine


Friday, January 20, 2017 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

What happens to an embedded curve in the plane if we decrease its length as fast as possible?  In this talk I will discuss the beautiful answer to this simple question, which involves techniques and ideas from multivariable calculus and plane geometry.  Generalizing this situation to higher dimensions leads to a number of interesting open questions in geometry, topology, and analysis.

An introduction to Carleman estimates


Katya Krupchyk


UC Irvine


Friday, January 27, 2017 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

The origins of Carleman estimates lie with the pioneering 1939 work by the Swedish mathematician T. Carleman, concerned with the unique continuation property for solutions for linear elliptic partial differential equations with smooth coefficients in dimension two. The fundamental new idea introduced by Carleman, which consists of establishing a priori energy estimates involving an exponential weight, has permeated essentially all the subsequent work in the subject. More recently, Carleman estimates have found numerous striking applications beyond the original domain of unique continuation, from control theory to spectral theory to the analysis of inverse problems. The purpose of this talk is to provide a broad introduction to the subject and to attempt to illustrate some of its inner workings.

The use of ultrafilters in combinatorial number theory


Isaac Goldbring


UC Irvine


Friday, February 24, 2017 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

Hindman’s theorem states that if one colors every natural number either red or blue, then there will be an infinite set X of natural numbers such that all finite sums of distinct elements from X have the same color. The original proof of Hindman’s theorem was a combinatorial mess and the slickest proof is via ultrafilters. In this talk, I will introduce the notion of an ultrafilter on a set, which is simply a division of the subsets of the set into two categories, “small" and “large", satisfying some natural axioms. We will then give the proof of Hindman’s theorem using ultrafilters that are idempotent with respect to a natural addition operation on the set of ultrafilters on the set of natural numbers. Finally, we will introduce an open conjecture of Erdos related to Hindman’s theorem, its reformulation in terms of ultrafilters, and some recent progress made on the problem by myself and my collaborators.

What is curved spacetime?


Rick Schoen


UC Irvine


Friday, February 17, 2017 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

This will be a general lecture introducing the spacetime of relativity.
Most discussions will concern the Minkowski spacetime (flat space) and the
Schwarzschild spacetime, but we will try to hint at the nature of the Einstein
equations and how they determine spacetime from initial data.

What is cohomology?


Li-Sheng Tseng


UC Irvine


Friday, March 17, 2017 - 4:00pm


MSTB 124

Cohomology is a basic and powerful tool that arises in many fields of geometry and topology.  I will motivate this technique and demonstrate its use in some simple examples.


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