On regularity of stationary measures for random dynamical systems


Grigorii Monakov


UC Irvine


Tuesday, January 17, 2023 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

I will talk about some results on regularity of stationary measures of random dynamical systems. Under the assumption of absence of almost sure invariant measures we prove Holder continuity or log-Holder continuity of all stationary measures depending on estimates for the regularity of random maps. The methods I am going to present can also be used in the non-stationary case. This talk is based on a recent joint work with Anton Gorodetski and Victor Kleptsyn.

Dynamical systems via problem solving: Sturmian and Fibonacci subshifts


Alex Luna and Grigorii Monakov


UC Irvine


Tuesday, November 22, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

This is a "problem solving session" aimed at graduate students who would like to get familiar with some aspects of dynamical systems. This particular set of problems deals with Sturmian sequences and Fibonacci substitution sequence, and the symbolic dynamical systems generated by them. No preliminary background is expected from the participants. Everybody is welcome!

Dynamical systems via problem solving III: subshifts


Alex Luna and Grigorii Monakov


UC Irvine


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

This is a "problem solving session" in a series that we plan to continue this year, aimed at graduate students who would like to get familiar with some aspects of dynamical systems. This set of problems covers basic examples of symbolic dynamical systems, including subshifts of finite type etc.. No preliminary background is expected from the participants. Everybody is welcome!

Dynamical systems via problem solving II: symbolic dynamics


Alex Luna and Grigorii Monakov


UC Irvine


Tuesday, November 1, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

This is a "problem solving session" in a series that we plan to continue this year, aimed at graduate students who would like to get familiar with some aspects of dynamical systems. This set of problems covers basic notions and examples related to symbolic dynamical systems. No preliminary background is expected from the participants. Everybody is welcome!

Dynamical systems via problem solving I: basic notions of topological dynamics


Alex Luna and Grigorii Monakov


UC Irvine


Tuesday, October 25, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

This is the first "problem solving session" in a series that we plan to continue this year, aimed at graduate students who would like to get familiar with some aspects of dynamical systems. The first set of problems covers basic properties of topological dynamical systems (minimality, recurrence, etc.). No preliminary background is expected from the participants. Everybody is welcome!

Holder regularity of stationary measures


Victor Kleptsyn


CNRS, France


Monday, October 17, 2022 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


RH 306

ABSTRACT: One of the main tools of the theory of dynamical systems are the invariant measures.

For random dynamical systems, it is replaced with stationary measures, that is, 

the measures that are equal to the average of their images.


In a recent work with A. Gorodetski and G. Monakov, we show that these measures 

almost always (under extremely mild assumptions) satisfy the Hölder regularity property: 

the measure of any ball is bounded by (a constant times) some positive power of its radius.

Nonstationary Furstenberg Theorem


Victor Kleptsyn


CNRS, University of Rennes 1, France


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

The classical Furstenberg Theorem states that the norm of a product of random i.i.d. matrices (under very mild assumptions) grows exponentially: almost surely one has
\lim_n (1/n) \log |A_n…A_1| = \lambda > 0.
My talk will be devoted to our recent work with Anton Gorodetski, where we have considered an analogous setting with A_j being independent, but no longer identically distributed. In such a setting it is natural to expect an (accordingly modified) version of the Furstenberg Theorem to hold. And indeed, we show that (again, under some mild assumptions on the distributions of A_j) there exists a deterministic sequence L_n such that

\liminf (1/n) L_n >0

 and almost surely

\lim (1/n) [\log |A_n…A_1| - L_n] = 0.

Moreover, there is an analogue of the Large Deviations Theorem.

The difficulty here is that in the nonstationary setting one cannot use the usual tools of the dynamical systems theory (stationary measure, ergodic theorem, etc.). I will discuss the proof of above results, as well as the general intuition of survival in the nonstationary world.

Uniform Hyperbolicity and the Periodic Anderson-Bernoulli Model


William Wood


UC Irvine


Tuesday, October 11, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

In this talk we will focus on the notion of uniform hyperbolicity of sets of matrices, and apply it to transfer matrices related to a discrete Schrodinger operator to study its spectrum. Specifically, we will show how to apply Johnson’s Theorem, which claims that a Schrodinger cocycle is uniformly hyperbolic if and only if the corresponding energy value is not in the almost sure spectrum, to the periodic Anderson-Bernoulli Model. As a result, we will prove that the spectrum of period two Anderson-Bernoulli Model consists of at most four intervals. A period 3 model, given specific conditions, can have infinitely many intervals in the spectrum, however.


From the percolation theory to Fuchsian equations and Riemann-Hilbert problem


Victor Kleptsyn


CNRS, University of Rennes 1, France


Tuesday, October 4, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


RH 440R

Consider the critical percolation problem on the hexagonal lattice: each of (tiny) hexagons is independently declared «open» or «closed» with probability (1/2) — by a fair coin tossing. Assume that on the boundary of a simply connected domain four points A,B,C,D are marked. Then either there exists an «open» path, joining AB and CD, or there is a «closed» path, joining AD and BC (one can recall the famous «Hex» game here). Cardy’s formula, rigorously proved by S. Smirnov, gives an explicit value of the limit of such percolation probability, when the same smooth domain is put onto lattices with smaller and smaller mesh. Though, a next natural question is: what if more than four points are marked? And thus that there are more possible configurations of open/closed paths joining the arcs? 

In our joint work with M. Khristoforov we obtain the answer as an explicit integral for the case of six marked points on the boundary, passing through Fuchsian differential equations, Riemann surfaces, and Riemann-Hilbert problem. We also obtain a generalization of this answer to the case when one of the marked points is inside the domain (and not on the boundary).


Uniform lower bounds on the dimension of Bernoulli convolutions


Victor Kleptsyn


CNRS, University of Rennes 1, France


Tuesday, September 27, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm



RH 440R

For any $q\in (0,1)$, one can consider a geometric series

+1 +q +q^2 +…,

and then toss a coin countably many times to decide whether each sign « + » is kept or is replaced by a minus one. The law of this random variable is given by the stationary measure for the random dynamical system, consisting of two affine maps 

x\mapsto \pm 1 + qx,

taken with the probability (1/2) each. This stationary measure is called the Bernoulli convolution measure. It is supported on a Cantor set for $q\in (0,1/2)$, and on an interval for $q\in [1/2,1)$. Its properties — and most importantly, whether it is absolutely continuous or signular — have been studied for many years with many famous works and important recent progress in the domain (Erdos, Solomyak, Shmerkin, Varju, …). 

My talk will be devoted to our recent work with P. Vytnova and M. Pollicott (https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.07714). I will present a technique for obtaining a lower bound for the Hausdorff dimension for the stationary measure of an affine IFS with similarities (in particular, affine IFS on the real line).



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