Schrödinger operators with Sturmian potential are highly analogous to the Almost Matthieu ones: the potential is also quasi-periodic with some frequency $\alpha$. In particular, the corresponding spectrum (plotted as a function of $\alpha$) forms so-called Kohmoto butterfly, that can be seen as a sibling to the Hofstadter butterfly, associated to the Almost Matthieu operator.
These operators and their spectra have been already extensively studied by many authors; in particular, many results have been obtained previously for the frequencies $\alpha$ that are quadratic irrationalities or of bounded type. A key element of many of these works is the study of corresponding renormalisation operators, acting on the associated Markov surface.
My talk will be devoted to our joint result with Anton Gorodetski and Seung uk Jang: we study the dynamics of the skew product that joins the renormalisation of the (traces of the) transition matrices and of the frequency $\alpha$. For this skew product, we construct explicitly a ``stable cone field’’ (over all irrational $\alpha$ and for an arbitrary coupling constant $\lambda$). This is a first step in our strategy of obtaining a dynamical/renormalization point of view on the self-similarity of the Kohmoto butterfly.