While classical gauge theoretic invariants for 4-manifolds are usually
defined in the setting that the intersection form has nontrivial positive
part, there are several invariants for a 4-manifold X with the homology S1
cross S3. The first one is the Casson-Seiberg-Witten invariant LSW(X)
defined by Mrowka-Ruberman-Saveliev; the second one is the Fruta-Ohta
invariant LFO(X). It is conjectured that these two invariants are equal to
each other (This is an analogue of Witten’s conjecture relating Donaldson and
Seiberg-Witten invariants.)
In this talk, I will recall the definition of these two invariants, give
some applications of them (including a new obstruction for metric with
positive scalar curvature), and sketch a prove of this conjecture for
finite-order mapping tori. This is based on a joint work with Danny Ruberman
and Nikolai Saveliev.
A joint seminar with the Geometry & Topology Seminar series.