Non-self-adjoint operators appear in many settings, from kinetic theory
and quantum mechanics to linearizations of equations of mathematical
physics. The spectral analysis of such operators, while often notoriously
difficult, reveals a wealth of new phenomena, compared with their
self-adjoint counterparts. Spectra for non-self-adjoint operators display
fascinating features, such as lattices of eigenvalues for operators of
Kramers-Fokker-Planck type, say, and eigenvalues for operators with
analytic coefficients in dimension one, concentrated to unions of curves
in the complex spectral plane. In this talk, after a general introduction,
we shall discuss spectra for non-self-adjoint perturbations of
self-adjoint operators in dimension two, under the assumption that the
classical flow of the unperturbed part is completely integrable.
The role played by the flow-invariant Lagrangian tori of the completely
integrable system, both Diophantine and rational, in the spectral analysis
of the non-self-adjoint operators will be described. In particular, we
shall discuss the spectral contributions of rational tori, leading to
eigenvalues having the form of the "legs in a spectral centipede". This
talk is based on joint work with Johannes Sj\"ostrand.