Yuki Takahashi
UC Irvine
Thursday, November 12, 2015 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Natural Science II 1201
In this co-sponsored UCI Illuminations and Juggle Buddies event, we will talk about the math theories associated with the art of juggling, a form of prop manipulation. This theory involves the use of Siteswap notation.
Siteswap is a juggling notation used to describe possible juggling patterns. For example, the most basic three-ball trick called a cascade can be written as "3" in this notation. Another juggling trick called a shower, where balles are thrown in a circular motion, is denoted by "51".
In this talk we start with the definition of Siteswap, and explain the beautiful mathematical theory beind it.
No background knowledge is required.
This event is free an open to the public. Free pizza will be served.