04/16/2013 - 12:00am

University of California, Irvine
Department of Mathematics
Distinguished Lecture Series


Dr. Artur Avila
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu and IMPA

Dr. Artur Avila is currently a Researcher at IMPA in Brazil and the Director of Research at CNRS, Paris. After earning a gold medal at the IMO in 1995, Artur got his PhD at IMPA in 2001, at the age of 21. He has received numerous honors and awards. In 2006, he was awarded the CNRS bronze medal and the Salem Prize. In 2006-2009, he served as a Research Fellow of the Clay Mathematics Institute. In 2008, he gave the Wolff Memorial Lectures at Caltech, and he received the EMS Prize. The following year he was awarded the Prix Jacques Herbrand by the French Academy of Sciences. In 2010, he gave a Plenary address at the International Congress of Mathematicians. He received the Michael Brin Prize in 2011 and the IAMP Early Career Award in 2012.

Avila's work combines deep dynamical systems insights with techniques from probability, combinatorics, and complex and harmonic analysis. He has solved a large number of long-standing open problems in a diverse range of fields, such as Schrodinger operators, unimodal maps, interval exchange transformations, and Teichmuller flows, among others. Besides being a prolific problem-solver, he has done pioneering work that brought new vision and new techniques, both of significant depth, to several fields.

Specialized Talk:
Global theory of one-frequency Schrodinger operators
April 16th at 2pm
Rowland Hall 306
Reception in RH 440M immediately following talk

The Billiard on the Regular
April 18th at 4pm
Natural Sciences 2 Rm 1201
Reception in the same room immediately following talk


For information contact Siran Kousherian at
skousher@math.uci.edu or (949) 824-5502
or visit http://www.math.uci.edu/