Congratulations to Connor Mooney (410C) with becoming  Chancellor’s Fellow for 2022-2025.

Chancellor’s Fellows are faculty with tenure whose recent achievements in scholarship evidence extraordinary promise for world-class
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The Simons Foundation has awarded a $5 million targeted grant for a project called “Moiré Materials Magic” to a group of physicists and mathematicians that includes Distinguished Professor Svetlana Jitomirskaya of the UCI Department of... more

Asaf Ferber and Connor Mooney have both received an NSF CAREER award and Sloan Fellowships.

Details of the awards are given on the School of Physical Sciences website at more

Alessandra Pantano and Li-Sheng Tseng have received support from UC Links and the CLA Foundation totaling $35K to support the Math CEO outreach program for underserved youths in Orange County. They also received a $50K grant from the Nicholas... more

Bob Pelayo has recently been PI or Co-PI on three successful grant proposals. He's the lead PI on BioCalculus Preparation, Engagement, and Application (BioCalc PEA) Program ($1.4M.) He's a Co-PI, with lead PI Babak Shahbaba in UCI’s Statistics... more

On June 22 Matt Foreman will give the 32nd Godel Lecture of the Association of Symbolic Logic 

(see here: http://aslonline... more

Professor Jitomirskaya has been invited to give a plenary talk at the ICM to be held July 6-14 in St. Petersburg. Here's a link to the announcement: more

Professor Asaf Ferber produces another breakthrough result on graph theory featured in a Quanta article: more
