Renormalized self-intersection local time and the range of random walks.


Professor Richard Bass


University of Connecticut


Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

Self-intersection local time $\beta_t$ is a measure of how often
a Brownian motion (or other process) crosses itself. Since Brownian
motion in the plane intersects itself so often, a renormalization
is needed in order to get something finite. LeGall proved that
$E e^{\gamma \beta_1}$ is finite for small $\gamma$ and infinite
for large $\gamma$. It turns out that the critical value is related
to the best constant in a Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality. I will discuss
this result (joint work with Xia Chen) as well as large deviations
for $\beta_1$ and $-\beta_1$ and LILs for $\beta_t$ and $-\beta_t$.
The range of random walks is closely related to self-intersection
local times, and I will also discuss joint work with Jay Rosen
making this idea precise.

Small ball probablities and the quantization problem for Gaussian measures.


Professor Michael Scheutzow


Technische Universitat, Berlin


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - 11:00pm


MSTB 254

Let $\mu$ be a probability measure on a metric space $(E,d)$ and $N$ a positive integer.
The {\em quantization error} $e_N$ of $\mu$ is defined as the infimum over all subsets ${\cal{E}}$
of $E$ of cardinality $N$ of the average distance w.~r.~t.~$\mu$ to the closest point in the set
${\cal{E}}$. We study the asymptotics of $e_N$ for large $N$. We concentrate on the
case of a Gaussian measure $\mu$ on a Banach space. The asymptotics of $e_N$ is closely related to
{\em small ball probabilities} which have received considerable interest in the past decade.
The quantization problem is motivated by the problem of encoding a continuous signal
by a specified number of bits with minimal distortion. This is joint work with Steffen Dereich,
Franz Fehringer, Anis Matoussi and Michail Lifschitz.

Random walks along orbits of dynamical systems'


Associate Professor Vadim Kaloshin


Cal Tech


Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

Consider a compact manifold $M$ (e.g. a torus) equipped with
a smooth measure $\mu$ (e.g. Lebesgue measure in the case
of torus) as a probability space $(M,\mathcal M,\mu)$. Consider
an ergodic map $T:M \to M$ along with a smooth function
$p:M \to (0,1)$. Define a random walk along orbits of $T$ as follows:
a point $x$ jumps to $T x$ with probability $p(x)$ and
to $T^{-1} x$ with probability $1-p(x)$.
Is there a limiting distribution of such a random walk for a generic
initial point? Is it absolutely continuous with respect to $\mu$?
We shall present an answer for several essentially different
maps $T$.

A tractable complex network model


Professor David Aldous


University of California, Berkeley


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

We describe a stochastic model for complex networks possessing three
qualitative features: power-law degree distributions, local clustering, and
slowly-growing diameter.
The model is mathematically natural, permits a wide variety
of explicit calculations, has the desired three qualitative features,
and fits the complete range of degree scaling exponents and clustering parameters.
Write-ups exist as a

short version
and as a
long version

Dispersion under finite mode Kolmogorov flow.


Professor Michael Cranston


University of California, Irvine


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 11:00am


MSTB 254

We consider the rate of spread of a body of passive tracers moving under the influence of a random evolving vector field.
The vector field is of a type used as a model for ocean currents and was introduced by Kolmogorov. The rate of growth of the diameter of the body is of interest for practical reasons (such as in problems of pollution control) and we specify its rate of growth.


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