Bi-free probability and an approach to conjugate variables


Ian Charlesworth




Tuesday, February 27, 2018 - 11:00am


RH 306

Free entropy theory is an analogue of information theory in a non-commutative setting, which has had great applications to the examination of structural properties of von Neumann algebras. I will discuss some ongoing joint work with Paul Skoufranis to extend this approach to the setting of bi-free probability which attempts to study simultaneously ``left'' and ``right'' non-commutative variables. I will speak in particular of an approach to a bi-free Fisher information and bi-free conjugate variables -- analogues of Fisher's information measure and the score function of information theory. The focus will be on constructing these tools in the non-commutative setting, and time permitting, I will also mention some results such as bi-free Cramer-Rao and Stam inequalities, and some quirks of the bi-free setting which are not present in the free setting.

Phase transition in the spiked random tensors


Wei-Kuo Chen


University of Minnesota


Thursday, January 4, 2018 - 11:00am to 11:50am



RH 306

The problem of detecting a deformation in a symmetric Gaussian random tensor is concerned about whether there exists a statistical hypothesis test that can reliably distinguish a low-rank random spike from the noise. Recently Lesieur et al. (2017) proved that there exists a critical threshold so that when the signal-to-noise ratio exceeds this critical value, one can distinguish the spiked and unspiked tensors and weakly recover the spike via the minimal mean-square-error method. In this talk, we will show that in the case of the rank-one spike with Rademacher prior, this critical value strictly separates the distinguishability and indistinguishability of the two tensors under the total variation distance. Our approach is based on a subtle analysis of the high temperature behavior of the pure p-spin model, arising initially from the field of spin glasses. In particular, the signal-to-noise criticality is identified as the critical temperature, distinguishing the high and low temperature behavior, of the pure p-spin model.

Asymptotic analysis of multi-class queues with random order of service .


Reza Aghajani




Saturday, December 2, 2017 - 3:20pm to 4:10pm


NS2 1201

The random order of service (ROS) is a natural scheduling policy for systems where no ordering of customers can or should be established. Queueing models under ROS have been used to study molecular interactions of intracellular components in biology. However, these models often assume exponential distributions for processing and patience times, which is not realistic especially when operations such as binding, folding, transcription and translation are involved. We study a multi-class queueing model operating under ROS with reneging and generally distributed processing and patience times. We use measure-valued processes to describe the dynamic evolution of the network, and establish a fluid approximation for this representation. Obtaining a fluid limit for this network requires a multi-scale analysis of its fast and slow components, and to establish an averaging principle in the context of measure-valued process. In addition, under slightly more restrictive assumptions on the patience time distribution, we introduce a reduced, function-valued fluid model that is described by a system of non-linear Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). These PDEs, however, are non-standard and the analysis of their existence, uniqueness and stability properties requires new techniques.

Harnack inequality for degenerate balanced random random walks.


Jean-Dominique Deuschel


Technische Universitat, Berlin


Saturday, December 2, 2017 - 2:00pm to 2:50pm


NS2 1201

We consider an i.i.d. balanced environment  $\omega(x,e)=\omega(x,-e)$, genuinely d dimensional on the lattice and show that there exist a positive constant $C$ and a random radius $R(\omega)$ with streched exponential tail such that every non negative

$\omega$ harmonic function $u$ on the ball  $B_{2r}$ of radius $2r>R(\omega)$,

we have $\max_{B_r} u <= C \min_{B_r} u$.

Our proof relies on a quantitative quenched invariance principle

for the corresponding random walk in  balanced random environment and

a careful analysis of the directed percolation cluster.

This result extends Martins Barlow's Harnack's inequality for i.i.d.

bond percolation to the directed case.

This is joint work with N.Berger  M. Cohen and X. Guo.

On the Navier-Stokes equation with rough transport noise.


James-Michael Leahy




Saturday, December 2, 2017 - 11:20am to 12:10pm


NS2 1201

In this talk, we present some results on the existence of weak-solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation perturbed by transport-type rough path noise with periodic boundary conditions in dimensions two and three. The noise is smooth and divergence free in space, but rough in time. We will also discuss the problem of uniqueness in two dimensions. The proof of these results makes use of the theory of unbounded rough drivers developed by M. Gubinelli et al.


As a consequence of our results, we obtain a pathwise interpretation of the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation with Brownian and fractional Brownian transport-type noise. A Wong-Zakai theorem and support theorem follow as an immediate corollary. This is joint work with Martina Hofmanov\'a and Torstein Nilssen.

Deviations of random matrices and applications.


Roman Vershynin




Saturday, December 2, 2017 - 10:00am to 10:50am


NS2 1201

Uniform laws of large numbers provide theoretical foundations for statistical learning theory. This lecture will focus on quantitative uniform laws of large numbers for random matrices. A range of illustrations will be given in high dimensional geometry and data science.

Gaussian comparisons meet convexity: Precise analysis of structured signal recovery


Christos Thrampoulidis




Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - 11:00am to 11:50am



RH 306

Gaussian comparison inequalities are classical tools that often lead to simple proofs of powerful results in random matrix theory, convex geometry, etc. Perhaps the most celebrated of these tools is Slepian’s Inequality, which dates back to 1962. The Gaussian Min-max Theorem (GMT) is a non-trivial generalization of Slepian’s result, derived by Gordon in 1988. Here, we prove a tight version of the GMT in the presence of convexity. Based on that, we describe a novel and general framework to precisely evaluate the performance of non-smooth convex optimization methods under certain measurement ensembles (Gaussian, Haar). We discuss applications of the theory to box-relaxation decoders in massive MIMO, 1-bit compressed sensing, and phase-retrieval.



Panki Kim


Seoul National University


Friday, October 20, 2017 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm



NS2 1201

 In this talk, we first discuss existence and uniqueness of weak solutions to general time fractional equations and give their probabilistic representation. We then talk about sharp two-  sided estimates for fundamental solutions of general time fractional equations in metric measure spaces. This is a joint work with  Zhen-Qing Chen(University of Washington, USA), Takashi Kumagai (RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan) and Jian Wang (Fujian Normal University, China).


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